Saturday, July 12, 2008

Twilight + Idol = Sundae Cravings

New blog! Lots of fresh inexhaustible space to put my nonsense.


Been reading Twilight since yesterday. The hype finally caught up on me. Sort of. Well, at least the hype about Robert Pattinson playing Edward Cullen did. And I heard (read actually) that lots of the book’s fans don’t like him playing the part. So I looked at some of the movie’s promotional shots and there’s only one thing that came to mind upon seeing his face: he STILL looks like he’s playing Cedric Diggory. So I decided to read the book to see if his detractors are right. Well, I haven’t finished the book yet but as far as I’ve read, I CAN certainly imagine Robert playing Edward.


I still can’t believe it’s possible but the Pinoy Idol hopefuls are getting better week after week. At least some of them are. Still, the show can really get to my nerves at times. Especially the Idol Extra episodes. Is that show really necessary? Oh, and Wyngard’s OBVIOUSLY trying to emulate Simon Cowell which is freakin’ annoying! But there’s always a good thing in everything. Ely and the rest of Pupil will be mentors on the show!


I need an ice cream sundae fix right now.