Tuesday, August 5, 2008


He took the days for pageant
Became as mad as rabbits
With bushels of bad habits
- Mad as Rabbits

As the 14th draws nearer, I'm becoming more Ryro-obsessive. Bad! Really bad!


Last Sunday, I was able to obtain an ebook of Breaking Dawn. So I've been able to reach half of the story before I got my book on Monday morning. And up to this moment, I'm still not too attached to the series to finish the book in a day or two. The book got mixed reviews, both good and bad. And I'm gonna agree with whoever said that "Meyer should have stopped with Eclipse". I haven't finished the book yet so I might have to eat my words later. Ha ha!


Warren got kicked off Pinoy idol last Sunday. I wasn't surprised because he actually sucked during the performance night. But his departure left me with only one vote-worthy contestant. I'm really hoping that Ram wins.


9 days to go until the PATD concert. I wanna get this over with so I can go back to being not Ryro-obsessive.