Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I Came Here To Make You Dance Tonight (aka "The Birthday Post")

*Title from "Guilty Pleasure" by Cobra Starship. (Viva la Cobra! Yeah, Yeah!)

Happy Birthday To Me!
Hell yeah! I gots myself TWO cakes!

Why two cakes? Because I went Susan-like (Desperate Housewives reference) and can't seem to choose between the two cakes just like I can't choose between Ryro and Billiam.

I looked drunk in most of the pictures so no, you won't be seeing any more than this. Ha ha! Thanks to everyone who messaged me. I really feel happy when people remember my birthday. I get all giddy every single time my phone beeps or when I see that I have new messages in my networking sites. Yeah, I crave for attention during my birthday (and most days actually, borderline much?).

To Jiselle: Your gremlin messaged me out of nowhere. Buhay pa pala siya. Ha ha! I can't even remember the last time I talked to him.

Anyway, Nica, Tabs and I ate our hearts out. We got really bloated and drunk over soda. After eating, we rocked-and-danced-like-Glaiza to Disconnection Notice thru Myx. Imagine us dancing like her. Exactly like her. Well, at least me and Nica. Tabs was just laughing her ass off the entire time, I think. Also, we watched Panic's "It's Almost Halloween" video over and over again. Gotta love the dance parts! And yeah, we're learning the steps so we can dance that way too. Ha ha! Crazy crazy.

EK trip is pushing thru! Stoked to the core! Yeah. But a little put off since Kim had this crazy idea of inviting him along.

Gotta go learn that Panic halloween dance now. And prolly drink more soda and go Brendon-like crazy and hyper.